Intellectual commons in bioengineering

Assessing the Implications of Emerging Technologies: A Graduate Research and Training Program
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(Cambridge, MA)
Research Achievements
Intellectual commons in bioengineering
INTELLECTUAL COMMONS AND PROPERTY IN BIOENGINEERING The PoET team identified effects of IP conventions on emerging technologies. 1 Developed a frame for analysis of effects of ownership and sharing on SynBIO, with axes on private ownership vs. commons axis and on clarity vs. ambiguity. 2. Used this frame to examine effects of US and EU statutes, regulatory practices, and judicial decisions, with a focus on effects of fundamental research and education exemptions, KSR vs. Teleflex, and Bayh-Dole on SynBIO. 3. Described different SynBIO perspectives on IPR: agreement on sharing technical standards, design/testing methods and registries; agreement on private ownership of device designs ripe for commercialization; and disagreement over where to draw the line between public and private parts ownership. PoET research is now being used by SynBERC in developing IPR policies and was used by participants in the 2009 NSF IGERT PI biological engineering workshop on commercialization.
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