GLOBES co-sponsors Science and Society Series

Global Linkages of Biology, Environment, and Society (GLOBES)
University of Notre Dame
(Notre Dame, IN)
Education Achievements
GLOBES co-sponsors Science and Society Series
The GLOBES program was a co-sponsor of the Biology Graduate Student Organization’s Science and Society Series (2009) co-organized by GLOBES trainee Peter Levi. The series began with an AIBS Outreach Training Workshop (Jan 2009) and continued with two lectures by 2007 Nobel Prize Laureate Dr. Mario Capecci (April 2009). A leading voice in international genetics research, Capecci spoke on the role of scientists and their contributions to society and humanity. GLOBES students also had the opportunity to hear senior staff from the Union of Concerned Scientists speak at a lunch/discussion on Climate Change Research and Policy Engagement in Indiana, the region, and nation, at a GLOBES organized brown-bag luncheon on Nov. 12.
- “Education Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project