Trainees learn to conduct ecological risk assessment

IGERT: Risk Analysis for Introduced Species and Genotypes
University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
(St. Paul, MN)
Education Achievements
Trainees learn to conduct ecological risk assessment
IGERT faculty developed and taught a new course (ISG 5010) that provided students with real-world cases as a venue for learning to conduct all components of ecological risk assessment (ERA) for both the introduction of novel species and genotypes and the control of invasive species. Four teams of faculty presented modules covering Problem Identification, Exposure and Effects Analysis, Risk Characterization, and Risk Management. Each module contained at least 1 case that was carried through several sessions and collaborative learning was emphasized; assignments were team based. Students worked in teams to conduct ERA under the guidance of 20 faculty from a diversity of disciplines. The trainees completing the course are prepared to conduct, research and critique ERAs, individually and as part of a team, and to work on an array of contemporary ERA problems. We also have cases and a curriculum that we will use and is available for use by others.
- “Education Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project