Work in urbanization and stream habitat quality

IGERT: Water in the Urban Environment
University of Maryland at Baltimore County
(Baltimore, MD)
Research Achievements
Work in urbanization and stream habitat quality
The 2008 cohort of IGERT trainees gave a presentation summarizing their work for this academic year at the UMBC Graduate Research Conference held April 24, 2009. The presentation, entitled "The Relationship Between Urbanization Measures, Water Quality and Stream Biota", was authored by Aditi Bhaskar, Jonathan Dandois, Garth Lindner, Michael Pennino, Jeanna Ragsdale, and Tara Willey. This presentation was based on collaborative interdisciplinary research the trainees conducted during their first year. The work is an examination of the relationships among various measures of urbanization and stream habitat quality in the Baltimore region. The anticipated final outcome of this presentation is a manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
- “Research Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project