Trainees present work at international meetings

IGERT: Nanomedicine Science and Technology
Northeastern University
(Boston, MA)
Trainee Achievements
Trainees present work at international meetings
Trainee Codi Gharagouzloo presented his work at two international meetings:
1. “Positive Contrast Ultrashort TE imaging with Ferumoxytol Contrast Agent” at the
National Center for Image-Guided Therapy (NCIGT) Workshop, Boston, MA, Sept 2012
2. “Environment and mobility influence on magnetic nanoparticles with Ferumoxytol” at the
World Molecular Imaging Conference (WMIC), Dublin, Ireland, Sept 2012
Samira Faegh, made two presentations at international meetings:
1.“A Self- Sensing MicroCantilever Biosensor for Detection of Ultrasmall Adsorbed Biological Species”, NEMB 2013, ASME Nanoengineering for Medicine & Biology, Boston MA
2. “A Self-Sensing MicroCantilever Biosensor for Detection of Ultrasmall Adsorbed Biological Species”, CMMI 2012, Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Boston MA
IGERT trainee Jennifer Woodring attended the prestigious Gordon Conference in Bioorganic Chemistry and Gordon Conference in Medical Chemistry Seminar.
- “Trainee Achievements”
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