Scholars Day poster session held for first year students

IGERT: Integrating Computational Science into Research in Biological Networks
Boston University
(Boston, MA)
Education Achievements
Scholars Day poster session held for first year students
Boston University holds an annual graduate student research poster session in the spring, formerly called Science and Engineering Day and now called Scholars Day. This is a high profile event at the University. Starting in 2012 and continuing in 2013, first year Bioinformatics students, including IGERT trainees, are required to submit team posters for their Challenge Projects as part of their two-semester team research project class. The teams are also required to subsequently submit posters to ISMB, the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology conference. These conferences are useful because they provide a focus and venue for the students to summarize and explain their work and give them an opportunity to meet other graduate students and be exposed to the high caliber of ongoing research at the University and worldwide.
- “Education Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project