Language dialect analysis featured on NPR

The Dynamics of Communication in Context
University of Pennsylvania
(Philadelphia, PA)
Research Achievements
Language dialect analysis featured on NPR
In collaboration with IGERT faculty Bill Labov, IGERT trainee Josef Fruehwald has published work detailing a significant research effort to automatically analyze speech recordings of Philadelphia speakers. The authors applied "forced alignment" and "automatic vowel measurement" methods to a large corpus of neighborhood studies, including 379 speakers with dates of birth from 1888 to 1991. With these cutting-edge analysis methods, they were able to make significantly more detailed models of language dialect change within a well-studied community of speakers. This work has been getting significant attention in the media, e.g., on the NPR Brian Lehrer show:
"That Changing Philly Accent":
- “Research Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project