Energy technology imports

IGERT: Nanostructured Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion
Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Tech Research Corporation
(Atlanta, GA)
Research Achievements
Energy technology imports
The team of Johnson and Brown measured energy technology imports as related to energy efficient combined heating and power (CHP) systems. Because of the global scope and nature of the energy industry, use of energy efficient systems and alternative energy sources often results in a “muted” domestic impact, especially in regards to employment. Thus, it is necessary to examine the “imported content” of equipment used in advanced energy technology. The Georgia Tech team uses I/O analysis to estimate employment impacts of expanded investments in CHP systems, and also examined the treatment of imports and exports in IMPLAN I/O data. They met with industry experts in the Institute of Paper Science and Technology to discuss preliminary results and receive feedback ensuring that the research serves to advance energy technology in the pulp and paper industry. This productive relationship will continue and experience gleaned through the IGERT program will be utilized.
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