Civic Engagement and Ethics in Science component developed

IGERT: Soft Interfaces - Bridging the Divide in Graduate education (iBriD)
Syracuse University
(Syracuse, NY)
Education Achievements
Civic Engagement and Ethics in Science component developed
Development of the Civic Engagement and Ethics in Science components of the program have been pursued as described in the program application. Briefly, IGERT faculty member Dr. James Henderson is serving as the “science policy advisor” for development of the Civic Engagement component, which is being developed in collaboration with faculty of the Syracuse University Maxwell School Center for Technology and Information Policy (CTIP). This collaboration is currently finalizing selection of the public policy courses that will be available for IGERT trainees to complete their Civic Engagement coursework. In addition, Dr. Henderson is the IGERT scientist leading development of the new Ethics in Science component. The ethics seminar being developed will be available not only to IGERT trainees but to all graduate students at participating institutions. Monthly two-hour meetings will focus on diverse issues of ethics in the conduct of science, with an emphasis on a case-study approach.
- “Education Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project