IGERT program incorporates insights from psychology

Multidisciplinary and Comparative Program in Inequality & Social Policy 2
Harvard University
(Cambridge, MA)
Education Achievements
IGERT program incorporates insights from psychology
Incorporating new insights from psychology: Recognizing the insights that the field of psychology can bring to our understanding of issues of inequality and social policy, the IGERT program made new efforts to expose trainees to current research in the field of psychology. This has included new efforts to recruit future trainees/associates from the Harvard psychology Ph.D. program and to bring in prominent scholars from the discipline of psychology or from close complementary fields—such as behavioral economics and political psychology--to speak in the program’s weekly public seminar series. Fruitful areas of inquiry here include the psychology and stereotyping and prejudice, psychology of power and hierarchies, psychological mechanisms mediating the effects inequality and adversity, theories of justification of societal inequality, as well as attention to innovative experimental methods and other research tools of psychology.
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