Silicon Photonics (SiP) heterogeneous integration

Nanoscale Science and Engineering - From Building Blocks to Functional Systems
University of California at Berkeley
(Berkeley, CA)
Research Achievements
Silicon Photonics (SiP) heterogeneous integration
EECS trainee James Ferrara has been working on Silicon Photonics (SiP) heterogeneous integration with III-V optical devices. III-V materials offer excellent high-speed, low-loss, light-emitting properties that can potentially serve the high-bandwidth demands of state-of-the-art electrical interconnects. The silicon industry offers mature integrated circuit technology in the form of CMOS devices that doubles in computational power roughly every 24 months. Together, SiP-III/V integrated devices could leverage the high-speed of III/V devices and the computational power of CMOS integrated circuitry. James has been working on developing a process to integrate these two material systems via eutectic metal bonding, which would provide good thermal properties for the optical sources on Si, while harnessing the high-bandwidth properties of III/V laser light sources.
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