Transition of marine-dependent livelihoods

IGERT: Marine Ecosystem Sustainability in the Arctic and Subarctic (MESAS)
University of Alaska at Fairbanks
(Fairbanks, AK)
Research Achievements
Transition of marine-dependent livelihoods
One of our IGERT trainees and her advisor are collaborating to examine how marine-dependent livelihoods are transitioning in rural Alaskan and Icelandic communities. This collaboration brings together the trainee who has a biology background and is in a Fisheries PhD program with an anthropologist to examine how the management of marine natural resources and their status affects the communities that are dependent on these resources. The trainee presented results of this research at the Alaska Sea Grant Lowell Wakefield Symposium on Ecosystems 2010: Global Progress on Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management and at the Understanding Rapid Environmental and Social Change in the Arctic: Bridging Traditional Knowledge and Interdisciplinary Science across IGERTs Workshop.
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