Second annual IAMCS program

IGERT: New Mathematical Tools for Next Generation Materials
Texas A & M Research Foundation
(College Station, TX)
Education Achievements
Second annual IAMCS program
This was the second year of the Institute for Applied Mathematics and Computational Science (IAMCS) program, a new $20M initiative at TAMU in collaboration with the King Abdullah University for Science and Technology. This year was designated Special Year in Computation Challenges for Life Sciences and featured workshops both at TAMU and KAUST strongly overlapping with our IGERT project in computational challenges for materials science. IGERT coPI Walton is co-PI and Deputy Director for Education of IAMCS, while IGERT faculty Efendiev and Bangerth coordinated one of the IAMCS Workshops this year. The fellowship program parallels that of the IGERT, adding critical mass to our interdisciplinary efforts. Of 3 research cores, the IAMCS Forward Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (Efendiev, core leader) is tied particularly closely to the IGERT. Several additional IGERT faculty members and students are participating in this program.
- “Education Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project