Trainee key architect of RTXI

Hybrid Neural Microsystems: Integrating Neural Tissue and Engineered Systems
Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Tech Research Corporation
(Atlanta, GA)
Research Achievements
Trainee key architect of RTXI
Risa Lin is an IGERT fellow co-advised by Robert Butera and Dieger Jaeger. Risa is a key software architect of RTXI, a software tool utilized to combine electrophysiology experiments with real-time computer simulations. This blend of engineering and electrophysiology results in an entirely new paradigm for conceiving electrophysiology experiments with application in neuroscience, cardiology, and other problem domains where new experiments can be designed via low-latency closed-loop interaction between simulation and experiment. RTXI is an open-source tool that is freely available and available online at While the project is funded by another funding agency and involves other personnel, Risa’s role and her interdisciplinary training has been critical in combining her engineering knowledge and software skills with the experimental protocols designed by the scientists who are end users of RTXI.
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