Recreating the first steam ship trip

An Entrepreneurial Ph.D. Education in Fuel Cell Manufacturing, Materials Development, and Modeling
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
(Troy, NY)
Research Achievements
Recreating the first steam ship trip
Two of our IGERT trainees, William Gathright and Casey Hoffman, led an effort to use their fuel cell knowledge to recreate and celebrate the 200th year anniversary of the first steam ship trip from New York City to Albany by the Robert Fulton's Clermont. They needed to use their technical knowledge, as well as management skills, entrepreneurially initiative, communication efforts, and sailing abilities to refurbish an old boat, outfit it with a fuel cell and motor, and sail it on the Hudson River. Interacting with businesses, news media, technical people, etc., they educated the public on hydrogen energy, celebrated American history, and publicized the value of fuel cell technology. Without their connection to the IGERT program, this would not have been possible.
- “Research Achievements”
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