Trainee co-authors poster for competition

IGERT: C-CHANGE: Climate Change, Humans, and Nature in the Global Environment
University of Kansas Center for Research Inc
(Lawrence, KS)
Research Achievements
Trainee co-authors poster for competition
IGERT Trainee Jodi Gentry co-authored a poster, titled "Application of Geographic Information Systems and Global Positioning Systems for Implementing and Managing a Water and Sanitation Project in Patanatik, Guatemala," at the 2010 University of Kansas Latin American Studies Research Competition. Her poster won second place. Each household was visited to collect geographic coordinates, elevation, number of people living within, access to sanitation and type, access to water, and whether the household had a ceramic water filter. This information was mapped in ArcGIS software & was used to create a community census, plan a water sampling event to determine efficacy of the in-use ceramic water filters, and to create a rapid assessment of households currently without water filters. The Kansas City chapter of Engineers Without Borders-USA will use this data to help determine if and what type of community sanitation system is appropriate for this community.
- “Research Achievements”
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