Trainees work on Challenge Project

IGERT: Integrating Computational Science into Research in Biological Networks
Boston University
(Boston, MA)
Research Achievements
Trainees work on Challenge Project
First year IGERT trainees Christopher Jacobs and Jonathan Dreyfuss, and NIH Graduate Partnership Program trainee Yevgeniy Gindin, worked on a Challenge Project proposed by Joseph Zaia (Biochem) concerning the quanitification of high-throughput glycomics mass spec. data. Glycomics is the study of sugars that are linked to proteins. Unfortunately, current mass spectrometry feature quantification software, developed for proteomics/metabolomics/etc., has been insufficient for this field. These students developed their own software package and user interface capable of performing relative quantification of glycans in a targeted manner from raw mzXML mass spec. files. Their software has successfully converted an hours-long, tedious manual quantification task into an opertation that can process gigabytes of data in a few minutes. A paper describing the software will be featured in an upcoming issue of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.
- “Research Achievements”
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