Trainee participate in summer program

IGERT: Interdisciplinary Materials Program to Accelerate the Transition from Student to Scientist
University of Oregon at Eugene
(Eugene, OR)
Research Achievements
Trainee participate in summer program
The Technology Entrepreneurship Program (TEP) is a collaborative, experiential summer program in which business, law, and science graduate students participate in the evaluation, development, and possible launch of technology-based start-up ventures. Mentored by UO faculty, technology transfer professionals, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratories (PNNL, part of Battelle) commercialization staff, Fellows work in cross-functional 4-person teams to select, conduct due diligence and evaluate business feasibility for technologies invented by top research scientists from UO, OSU, OHSU, PSU and Battelle.
Several IGERT trainees have been involved as team-members with TEP. Most recently, trainee Sean Fontenot and his advisor, Dr. Darren Johnson, are preparing in May to present their recently patented non-covalently functionalized sorbent material. If their technology is adopted by a TEP student group, Fontenot and Johnson will act as scientific consultants for the group.
- “Research Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project