Activites result in papers, acknowledgements, grants

IGERT: Natural-Human Systems in the Urbanizing Tropics
University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras
(San Juan, PR)
Research Achievements
Activites result in papers, acknowledgements, grants
Prof Vogel: IGERT fellows and aspiring undergraduates were involved in activities that resulted in co-authorship/acknowledgements/grant submissions. Pérez and Alvarez published abstracts in the appendix to Vogel's Economics of the Yasuni Initiative: Climate Change as if Thermodynamics Mattered (Anthem 2009), composed a poster for the IGERT annual meeting and submitted grant proposals to LACEEP. Alvarez and Vogel submitted a proposal to IASC, based on field work. Translation requires deep understanding of meaning: Alvarez and Ortiz copyedited the Spanish version of Vogel's "Logic Should Prevail" (SPDA) and Medina, Prof Ward and Arocho, Chapter 1 of Museum of Bioprospecting, Intellectual Property and the Public Domain (Anthem 2010). Quiñones performed searches to organize data on climate change syllabi and now collaborates on an invited review of AVATAR for Evolutionary Psychology. The journal published a book review "Primate Economics 101," co-authored with two aspiring undergraduates.
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