Trainee transitions from student to professional

IGERT: Risk Analysis for Introduced Species and Genotypes
University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
(St. Paul, MN)
Research Achievements
Trainee transitions from student to professional
Trainee Genya Dana successfully transitioned from student to professional through our IGERT. By conducting research and publishing with IGERT faculty and partners, Genya has become a well-known expert on risk assessment. Genya presented research results at the Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, Dec 2009; Society for Conservation Biology, Beijing China, Jul 2009; & NSF in Virginia, May 2009. Genya was invited to speak to classes at the University of Minnesota (UMN) Nov 2009, to EPA workers in North Carolina, Apr 2010 and to a laboratory in Beijing, China Jul 2009. Genya was the invited moderator for a symposium, Agriculture: Balancing Productivity and Conservation in a Changing Environment, UMN Feb 2010. She was the invited expert at the Risk Governance of Synthetic Biology, Geneva Switzerland October 2009. She now collaborates on synthetic biology with a Massachusetts Institute of Technology lab and started her own risk assessment company with trainee Leah Sharpe.
- “Research Achievements”
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