Trainees disseminate research findings

Macromolecular Interfaces with Life Sciences: Oxidative Processes (MILES)
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
(Blacksburg, VA)
Research Achievements
Trainees disseminate research findings
Many of our MILES trainees have presented and disseminated their research findings at various professional meetings. Matt Green, Mike Allen, Adam Larkin, and Giovanna Grandinetti have presented their polymer research at the American Chemical Society (ACS) annual meeting in July 2009. William Allen and Justin Lemkul presented their molecular modeling research results at the Annual Symposium of the Protein Society meeting in July 2009. Vinodini Buck presented her PhD research at the Graduate Student Assembly at Virginia Tech in March 2010 and at the American Oil Chemical Society (AOCS) in May, 2010.
- “Research Achievements”
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