Trainee organizes education conference

Multidisciplinary and Comparative Program in Inequality & Social Policy 2
Harvard University
(Cambridge, MA)
Research Achievements
Trainee organizes education conference
Trainee Michael Henderson served as primary organizer and host for "Merit Pay: Will it Work? Is it Politically Viable," a conference sponsored by Harvard University's Program on Education Policy and Governance (PEPG) (directed by IGERT faculty member Paul Peterson) and the Taubman Center for State and Local Government. The conference brought together experts from the fields of economics, political science, and public policy to share the latest available research, as well as professionals from the non-profit and government sectors, including Roberto J. Rodríguez, Special Assistant to the President for Education. A selection of papers from this conference will appear in a special issue of Economics of Education Review. The conference was also featured in the New York Times's blog "Economics: Explaining the Science of Everyday Life."( ).
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