Modeling pharmaceutical product dissolution

NanoPharmaceutical Engineering and Science
Rutgers University New Brunswick
(New Brunswick, NJ)
Research Achievements
Modeling pharmaceutical product dissolution
Trainee Daniel Braido is working with Dr. Alberto Cuitino, MAE
Daniel has been developing a set of tools to mechanistically model pharmaceutical product dissolution. The model is capable of handling complex geometries in 3-D, the boundaries of which evolve over time. The dissolution engine has been formatted to work on Pharmahub. Pharmahub is an online repository for pharmaceutical modeling and simulation tools. As such, this tool is now available online for anyone with a Pharmahub account to use free of charge. This model has already been calibrated using physical tablet experiments, and a 1-D stress based swelling model is being adapted to 3-D so as to further increase the usefulness of the model. Daniel gave two talks at the ASME IMECE in Orlando November 2009 related to this work.
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