Characterization of langatate materials

Sensor Science, Engineering, and Informatics (SSEI)
University of Maine
(Orono, ME)
Research Achievements
Characterization of langatate materials
IGERT student, Blake Sturtevant, received a PhD in Physics in May 2010 with co-advisors Robert Lad (Physics) and Mauricio Pereira da Cunha (Electrical & Computer Engineering). His thesis research contributed new information on the characterization of langatate (La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14) materials for acoustic wave sensor applications. He determined and verified fundamental acoustic wave material constants for langatate which has not been previously done. He also characterized SiAlON ceramic thin films for protecting the sensor surface for deployment in chemically and mechanically harsh environments. The relevant acoustic properties of the film were determined by depositing the films on top of SAW delay lines, enabling future modeling of langatate/SiAlON sensor systems. The PhD thesis work resulted in seven publications. Blake is currently employed as a postdoctoral research associate at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
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