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Dynamic states of ErbB1 phosphorylation predicted by spatial-stochastic modeling
Impact of membrane landscape on phosphorylated species

(A) Number of phosphorylated species of four different simulation conditions: 0% LR receptors, with and without domains present, 10% LR receptors with and without domains present, in A431 cells. Domains greatly impact the number of repeated interactions among receptors, increasing the number of phosphorylation events possible. (B) Number of phosphorylated species of four different simulation conditions: 0% LR receptors, with and without domains present, 10% LR receptors with and without domains present, in HEC50 cells. Again, domains greatly impact the number of repeated interactions among receptors, increasing the number of phosphorylation events possible, however the lower density of receptors on HEC50 cells negatively impacts the number of phosphorylated receptors, overall.
Credits: Meghan M. McCabe, University of New Mexico