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The role of mineral nanoparticles as transporters of toxic trace metals: A case study from the Clark Fork River Superfund Complex
Transmission electron microscope data/observations from nanomineral particles transporting toxic heavy metals hundreds of kilometers downstream in the Clark Fork River Superfund site

Analytical transmission electron microscopy data showing the most common toxic metal bearing minerals in these samples. Energy dispersive X-ray spectra showing particle chemistry are provided with an inset showing trace metal peaks at a higher scale. Fast Fourier transform patterns (calculated from high resolution lattice imaging; similar to electron diffraction patterns) are located beneath the insets and the panels on the right show the particles at both low and high (570k times) magnification. a: As-bearing goethite; b: Pb-bearing brookite; c: Zn, Cu and As-bearing Fe oxide (potentially a transitory phase between ferrihydrite and goethite).
Credits: Kelly Plathe