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Hydrogel Nanocomposites for Hyperthermia Applications
Images showing how hydrogel nanocomposites can kill cancer cells

M059K glioblastoma multiforme/hydrogel heating results. Images a through i represent fluorescent microscopy images after live/dead assay of M059K cells where a-b are at the center of the petri dish, d-f at the interface between live and dead cells, and g-I at the outer edge unaffected by heat. The first column of images are for the cells exposed to a DM gel at 23 kA/m for 5 minutes, the middle column are of cells exposed to AMF only at 23 kA/m for five minutes, and the right column is of cells not exposed to gels or AMF. Images j and k represent IR images after the cells heated with the gel for 5 minutes (j) and exposed to AMF for 5 minutes (k).
Credits: Samantha Meenach, Zach Hilt, Kim Anderson